…and a Happy School Year!

30 August 2022

Another academic year is about to start and a whole new world will open to students entering NOVA University. We know sustainability is a top concern for the youth and then we invite all students to inspire NOVA community with good practices and creativity on inclusion and on the good for the Planet.

For those who need some advice, many options to adopt can be accessed here. If you are curious, you can always assess your ecological footprint – https://www.footprintcalculator.org/home/en – so that you can make the necessary adjustments.

NOVA students come to the university to follow their dreams, hopping to contribute to a green and healthy Planet, and to a just and happy society. Science and education are the pillars within our reach to achieve such purposes. NOVA counts on every student to be an agent of sustainability to save resources and avoid emissions, to recycle, to preserve ecosystems, to promote inclusion and to inspire and practice solidarity. This is the fingerprint NOVA aims for each one of its students, no matter the program he/she studies, with the certainty that they are responsible citizens. A happy new scholar year full of success, learning outcomes and fun!